
Mistakes a Property Manager Avoids

Whether you are new to property ownership or a seasoned professional, there is generally one goal. That goal is to generate income on the property. In order to do that, the place to start is with an experienced property manager. A property manager can make or break your financial situation in very little time if they are making mistakes. Let’s look at 6 simple mistakes to avoid. Property Management Agreement […]

Start the Year With a Preventive Maintenance Calendar

As a property owner, you pay close attention to your income and assets. An annual preventive maintenance schedule helps you protect both. Any time of year is a good time to start if you don’t already have a schedule set. Since it is a new year now, we will discuss setting it up on a calendar-year basis. Starting in December, take some time to list out all maintenance needs and […]

Why You Should Consider Facilities Maintenance Software

A property portfolio can be simple or complex. Every property is unique. As a result, each property will have maintenance needs and features to consider on a regular basis. If you own multiple properties, this can quickly become a bigger task to manage than anticipated. Facilities maintenance software is a great tool to have. How do you find the best one? How do you find one that meets your specific […]

The Highs and Lows of Property Management

As with any business, there are highs and lows to consider. If you are new to this field, there are common mistakes to be aware of before you get your business into trouble. Even seasoned property managers can get behind on things that must be done if they have too much on their plate. Let’s look at 5 areas to help your business run smoothly, efficiently and effectively. These things […]

Selling Your Self-Storage Business – Why a Broker Matters

Making money may be the first goal of every entrepreneur. No one starts a business thinking they want to lose money. If that’s the case, the second goal would likely be making sound business decisions. Sometimes, that will lead you to sell your business. Regardless of the reason, selling your self-storage business can be  lucrative and smart. It can also be challenging and painful. When the time comes to sell, […]

Necessary Security Features for Self-Storage

When customers choose self-storage, they’re looking for a place to store their business tools, business inventory, or other personal treasures. They want a safe and secure place for their items of monetary or personal value. As a business owner, it’s important to have a security plan to offer your customers peace of mind. Your reputation for security can make or break your business. A security plan incorporates three main areas […]

Facilities Maintenance & Disaster Preparation

Last week we discussed preparing your self-storage business for natural disasters. By focusing on an emergency response plan and communication with customers, you can relieve a lot of headaches during a natural disaster. Regardless of the type of commercial business or property you have, there are benefits to hiring a facilities maintenance company in planning for natural disaster preparation.  There will always be messes to clean up after a hurricane […]

Self-Storage and Disaster Preparation

Hurricane season takes up a lot of real estate in the annual calendar. From June 1 through November 30, most individuals along the southern coast of the US are aware of the risks of hurricanes. Local governments are often reminding everyone to be prepared and stay prepared. Your self-storage business requires that same preparation. Hurricane preparedness starts long before hurricane season. If you’re a new or seasoned self-storage owner, preparing […]

3 Things to Ask Your Next Property Management Company

Real estate is an excellent investment. Properties hold their value and can greatly appreciate over time. Commercial property is a smart addition to any real estate portfolio. It should be simple enough to purchase the property, lease it out and keep it neat and tidy, right? While some properties are easy to manage, commercial properties present new challenges. Bringing in a property management company is a great idea. Finding the […]

Social Media & Self Storage – Why It Matters

Customers interact with businesses today differently than in the past. Today’s customer will begin their search not on a search engine, but on Facebook or Instagram. Using these social media platforms is not only important, it’s a must in 2020. Communication has changed a lot in the last 20 years, and continues to evolve. Advertising and marketing are now largely influenced by social media. As a business owner, you can […]